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CAD System Development — Next Generation of Schema Simulation Tools

  • 30%

    faster instant updates

  • 40%

    time savings

  • 25%

    boost in processes

  • 100+

    custom devices

  • 60%

    increase in interactions

  • 80

    new devices effortlessly

  • 30%

    less debugging time

  • 50+

    micro schemes accessibility

  • 6

    months for successful development


About client

  • Industry:


  • Client Location:


  • Challenge:

    Сontinuous development of diverse electronic schemas supporting various types of controllers, simulations, debugging, customization, and smooth integration

  • Solution:

    UI development, CAD circuit software development, platform development for modifying schemas, and schema simulation tool development

  • Services used:

    Software development, Frontend development, Real-time schema modification, Developed simulation and debugging tools, Custom device creation


Business Challenge

Our client, a visionary tech company based in California, came to our CAD product development company with a unique and complex challenge. Although an experienced engineer was in charge of the project, it required UI development skills to help them achieve their larger objectives. This CAD system development project faced several challenges:

  • Development of different electronic schemas. The main problem was that different computer models were being made all the time. These models were necessary to support a wide range of controllers, each of which did its own complex calculations based on its settings. Not only did the models need to be dynamic and engaging, but they also needed to be able to be changed in real time. This meant that the platform had to be both easy to use and strong so that changes could be made quickly without affecting performance.
  • Simulation & Debugging. There was an urgent need for a training setting that went beyond research. This would make it possible to try and fix the models thoroughly, making sure they worked perfectly in all situations. The modeling tool had to be easy to use, give engineers clear information, and let them quickly find and fix problems.
  • Customization & Integration. Lastly, the goal was to give people the tools they needed to make their own gadgets. This tool would not only make it easier to make devices, but it would also make sure that they work well with the current system. This would allow for future improvements.

The search for a solution brought our client to the door of ArtCodeVision, where our knowledge of web innovation and CAD software development offered effective solutions.

Technology Stack used

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Solution Image


  • Real-time schema modification. We made an interface that is very easy to use, which changed the way computer models are modified forever.
  • Simulation and debugging tools. Our schema simulation tool development experts built powerful modeling tools into the platform to make sure that the models were reliable. And because of these tools, engineers could run model processes and find problems right away. Moreover, our experts managed to make sure that there were no noticeable changes to the user experience when the testing features were added.
  • Custom device creation. We also provided platform development for modifying schemas that let users create their own microschemas and gadgets because we knew people wanted to be able to change things.

Our complex CAD product development solution established a new standard in frontend development for electronic schemas, providing a strong, user-centric platform that met the client's requirements for creativity, efficiency, and scalability.


Business Results

  • The project's update pace increased by 30% and development time decreased by 40%.
  • With access to over 50 microschemas and the ability to create 100+ custom devices, process efficiency increased by 25% and user engagements increased by 60%.
  • The platform enabled the smooth integration of 80 new devices and over 20 experiments and improvements, all while lowering debugging time by 30%.

    Get Expert AutoCAD development

    • What is CAD product development?

    • How does CAD system development impact the design process?

    • How can schema simulation tool development help my business?


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