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How to Build a Pharmacy Management Software that Earns Money

The pharmaceutical business is doing very well worldwide, but especially in the US. The US pharmacy business is responsible for more than 40% of all prescription drug sales in the world. It serves the U.S.’s ever-growing drug needs and is the biggest pharmaceutical market in the world. 

Just see the numbers! A lot of money moves through the pharmaceutical business. The world pharmaceutical industry made more than $1.4 trillion in 2023. More than $430 billion was made by the top 10 drug companies.

As you can see, the pharma business is doing well…so is there any chance to jump into the niche? Hard YES! And the answer lies in pharmacy management software, as it’s predicted to more than double in earnings by 2032.

However, the process of pharmacy software development can be quite challenging, as the niche has many peculiarities to consider. Here at ACV, our specialists have a successful case of Pharma Delivery, and we want to share our experience as well as knowledge that will help you develop solutions that simply rock. But let’s not jump ahead and take a deep dive on some basics first.

BusinessSoftware Development

What is a Pharmacy Management System?

As we want to share the story of our client, who works in the UK healthcare sector and came to us with a CRM system that had a lot of challenges, we think it’s important to make sure that you know what the CRM in healthcare sector is.

A cloud-based pharmacy software solution is an online tool that provides quick pharmacy functionality, including:

  • Record generation and maintenance
  • Stock monitoring
  • Inventory
  • Sales
  • Corporate administration

Doing things online without sacrificing their safety and security is necessary to stay up with the rapid pace of the digitization of healthcare in general as medical IoT and new technologies progress dramatically. Add to that pandemic and “living online,” and you get the solution to why it’s required in 2024 and beyond.

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    Benefits of a Pharmacy Management System

    If you are still doubting if pharmacy CRM is a good option for you to invest in, let’s explore the main pharmacy software benefits so you understand why pharma businesses want to use your product.

    #1 Doing regular chores will take less work

    Remember the famous “filling, licking, and sticking” task that pharmacy workers do every day? They pick up prescription drugs, pack them, and mark them with the info that laws and rules require. These everyday tasks can be automated and sped up in different ways, from partially automating them to doing them completely by robots.

    Pharmaceutical software solutions allow doctors to help more people in the same amount of time, reduce manual tasks, and give medical workers more time to do things they think are valuable, like taking care of patients.

    #2 Less time spent talking to customers and patients

    *when you don’t need personal counseling

    When a patient comes in to get more of their medicine or has an order from their doctor, they don’t need to talk to the pharmacist in person. The healthcare CRM solutions might have an e-prescription feature and a front-end patient interface that lets users get to help themselves, get paperless receipts, order medicines online, and get their medicine without having to leave their house. All of these things can help pharmacy businesses serve more patients or clients in less time, save money on expensive hours of work, and increase overall efficiency.

    #3 Better control over medical stock and supplies

    It’s easier to keep track of stock when all of the data about it is digital and put into a pharmacy management system with ERM features. It helps to accurately stock and have inventory control for medicinal products without having to check them by hand. A digital record helps to get valuable insights and increase the product change rate KPIs and reports on how well pharmaceutical products are selling and therefore make data-driven choices based on real-time information.

    #4 Increases patients’ safety

    With CRM for medical professionals, it’s easy to look over each patient’s medical record and find any drug interactions that could be harmful. When a patient gets a new medicine or repeated doses, an alert can be set off immediately. The medical worker can help the patient figure out the right amount of medicine to take and offer options or other ideas. This makes customers happier and improves other important business measures, which also helps the business make more money.

    For sure, it is not the whole list of benefits of the healthcare CRM solutions, as each healthcare facility or pharmacy has needs and requests, and the whole potential will rely on each institution. Let’s go over the typical features that everyone should consider when designing pharma administration systems.

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      Features of Custom Pharmacy Management Software

      While working on our client’s project, we dealt with a pre-existing CRM system that was initially designed for larger organizations. It did not cover the specific requirements of logistics for the healthcare business and therefore resulted in a range of tech problems and inefficiency.

      Showing that, we want to emphasize that picking the right pharmacy software features set for your CRM is crucial for success. Yet, it doesn’t mean that you need to add all of them just in case. A good pharmacy software provider should consult you on the key features that are important for your specific project.

      That’s what we did for our client. We looked for solutions that could fix the areas that our client wasn’t satisfied with. We also strived to deliver a reliable and adaptable CRM solution designed specifically for the dynamic field of the healthcare industry, so our client had room for growth.

      If you want to feel more in control, here are the custom pharmacy management software features worth checking out:

      • Inventory control. Spending time on inventory is a luxury that not all pharma businesses can afford. Automation of all the routine tasks is the first thing to consider. It will do more than just save up some time for employees; it will also eliminate human-factor mistakes, allow for fast audits, and make tracking a breeze. For effective inventory tracking, we recommend adding such features as controlling the location of products in stock, getting regular stock updates, reporting to plan re-stocking, and different types of notifications for orders and demand.
      • Handling prescriptions. Making prescription management quick and error-free is another way to simplify the work of medical workers. Preparation, pickup, and refilling are reduced to a breeze using pharma CRM development solutions. What’s the outcome? Fewer calls coming in, shorter wait times, and satisfied consumers all around.
      • Effective workflow management. There is a lot more that comes into the work of the medical workers than just providing prescribed medication. It’s important to make the workflow as effective as possible to use the hours of the specialist to their fullest without wasting their energy on repetitive and unnecessary tasks. Also, a well-developed CRM system can help to get the information about each patient faster and make more accurate, data-driven decisions.
      • Reports and Analytics. Quality analytics helps the pharmacy manage and plan. Some medications are given more regularly and need greater supply, while others are less popular. Pharmacy management systems let you produce any report with a click. Imagine frequent audits or tax filings, and you’ll appreciate automated reporting.
      • Management of finances. Pharma billing includes three parties—consumer, pharmacist, and supplier—and is another pain point. Many businesses are looking for ways to automate billing to prevent errors. You can add tracking of daily transactions, insurance reimbursement, and supply billing and get notifications if there are any delayed payments.
      • Alerts. Notifications are excellent for restocking or reminding patients to renew prescriptions. You may set the pharmacy management software to remind you to replenish, check expiry dates, do security and software checks, identify at-risk patients, and do similar things.

      There are also many options for integration, but many of them are just “nice to have,” so you’d better think about them for future updates. Some of them may include pill imagine, e-signature, documentation management, labeling, and barcode scanning.

      For our client, we have added brand-new features to the pharma CRM system that they specifically requested for the healthcare logistics sector. We fixed all the demands without allowing scope creep to help our solution be effective without affecting the budget.

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        Step-by-Step Guide: How to Develop a Pharmacy Management Software

        ArtCodeVision has been working with many clients in the CRM software pharmaceutical industry and we believe that it’s important to communicate all the stages of the development process to give a better understanding and a sense of control. Before we jump into checking out our case of Pharma Delivery, let’s take a look at the main stages of the development and see what each client goes through before and while working on pharma management software.

        The first and initial step is actually defining the goals and needs of the project. Before you start searching for your perfect tech team, you need to set clear goals and define needs. Only after that can you start to search for a suitable CRM development team.

        Getting in touch with your tech team is the second step. Make sure that you partner not just with a popular developer but with a tech team that has a proven track record of delivering successful solutions specifically for the healthcare niche. Also, big advice is to explore outsourcing abroad, as it helps you to find cost-effective solutions without sacrificing quality.

        The third step is the development itself. It will include a lot of meetings, discussions, and suggestions and lead to the fourth step, aka testing with real users. Involving real people in testing your pharma management software will make sure that it has the optimum user experience and efficiency. The fifth step is the launch and maintenance (note it can be an additional service).

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          ArtCodeVision Case: Pharma Delivery—a great example of a pharmacy management system

          Why is this CRM case study worth reading? Pharma Delivery offers an easy-to-use online interface for doctors, helping them to issue confidential e-prescriptions to their patients and have them delivered immediately via our pharmacy and logistics network—all with a few clicks.

          Our client got fantastic results from the improved CRM system. Thanks to ArtCodeVision’s experienced pharma development, the system now easily meets their specific healthcare logistical needs and more efficient everyday operations.

          A 245% improvement in productivity demonstrates how the installation of new features has greatly enhanced workflow procedures. The platform’s seamless integration with over 60 healthcare professionals has resulted in significantly enhanced user engagement. It caused a big rise in the average order value.

          Our healthcare CRM solutions turned the project into a strong, smart healthcare logistics platform. It has an excellent 99% resolution rate for past issues. We created a system that not only excels in terms of functionality but also provides a strategic edge over competitors.

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            How we helped Pharma delivery established its position as a go-to solution in healthcare technology

            When our client first came to us, their pharma CRM software was causing more problems than it was solving. They needed a solution, and we stepped in to help.

            We started by carefully breaking down the existing CRM features. Then, we rebuilt them to fit the specific needs of healthcare logistics. It was like tailoring a suit—everything had to fit just right. While doing this, we found and fixed the issues that were slowing things down. Now, the system runs smoothly. 

            But we didn’t just fix problems; we added new features that the client had been asking for. These features were designed specifically for the healthcare logistics sector. The improvements made a big impact. Today, over 60 healthcare professionals use the platform regularly.

            Thanks to these updates, the CRM is error-free and perfectly customized to the client’s needs. The results have been impressive.

            The secret of the success of this case lies in the alignment of the client’s goals, expectations, and teamwork. Proper communication and choosing the right tech stack helped to deliver an effective solution.

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              Need help with your pharmacy management system idea?

              With years of expertise in developing innovative healthcare CRM solutions, our team understands the user’s pain points in health technology, regulatory compliance requirements, EHR/EMR systems, processes, and software adoption.

              Because we know a lot about this industry, we can make design and architecture ideas and start making a custom pharmacy management system more quickly. Our PMs will also make sure we stick to the schedule and talk to each other about all the stages and milestones.

              Feel free to get in touch with ArtCodeVision if you want to create a perfect answer for pharmaceutical companies that can win a big share of the market. Our team will get to work right away, do a lot of research on the market, and help you build a CRM system from scratch. We will get in touch with you as soon as we can to book a free consultation after you reach out.



                • What is the pharmacy management system used for?

                • What are the key benefits of using a pharmacy management system?

                • I have an idea for a pharmacy management system. Where do I start?

                • How do I develop pharmacy management software?

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                  I’m glad that there is such a thing as CRM outsourcing services, as when our in-house team wasn’t able to cover the demands, we got a professional boost from ArtCodeVision. The implementation and performance improvement were smooth and they were able to enhance our fitness management system with marketing tools and other things that increased brand visibility.

                  image Yannis Tech Lead at SportSchedule

                  Before we partnered with ArtCodeVision, we were struggling with insufficient processes and much-needed optimization. The commitment of the development team throughout the comprehensive adaptation and improvement of the existing CRM system was on point. Clear communication, regular updates, timely delivery, and most importantly, the results went beyond our expectations. We would 100% recommend ArtCodeVision to our healthcare partners.

                  image Victoria Business Development Manager at Pharma delivery

                  The external support from ArtCodeVision was truly a lifeline during challenging periods. Their dedicated team steered our CRM seamlessly through obstacles, offering prompt solutions and strategic enhancements. We are thankful for a steadfast, evolving product and a team that genuinely understands and supports our vision.

                  image Nestor Founder and CEO of Bloknot

                  ArtCodeVision brings a wealth of different experience from a number of different service areas within software development. They work with our team to help drive and support further progress on our platform. Not only do they create great solutions, they help critically analyze those solutions and work creatively to produce something that works for our customers

                  image Stephen Founder and CEO of OMS